It has Sprung
Submitted: May 10, 2023, 4 p.m.
The Garden is alive with color! The spring bulbs are winding down, but not yet over, so if you need your daffodil fix, you only have a short time to get it.
Our lilacs and crabapples are doing their thing now, followed soon after by the wisteria.

Swiss Willow (Salix helvetica)
This darling dwarf willow has fuzzy gray leaves and can be seen growing in our Four Seasons Garden near the sandstone wall of the Courtyard.

White Queen Bishop's Hat (Epimedium grandiflorum 'White Queen')
These shade-lovers can be found growing in the Medicinal Garden, but we have other varieties growing along the Floral Walk and in the Rose Garden.

Bitter Orange (Poncirus trifoliata)
Who said you can't grow citrus in Utah? Bitter Orange is a cold hardy citrus that produces a thick-skinned bitter fruit that is perfect for candy-ing. You can find ours in the Medicinal Garden.

Yankee Doodle Lilac (Syringa vulgaris 'Yankee Doodle')
We've got lilacs all over Red Butte with most growing on the lower Floral Walk, but there are many others scattered throughout the Garden. This variety can be found in the Water Conservation Garden.

New Mexico Privet (Forestiera neomexicana)
Not all flowers are showy, but they definitely deserve our appreciation. New Mexico Privet is a Utah Native that is extremely waterwise.

Mohawk Burkwood Viburnum (Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Mohawk')
If fragrance is what you crave, you can't beat a Viburnum. They are in full bloom now in the Four Seasons Garden. You can also find them along the Floral Walk and in the Rose Garden.

Gambel Oak (Quercus gambelii)
Last but not least is our native Gambel oak. They are found all along the Wasatch Mountains and spring is the time they release their pollen into the air which gives some of us allergies. The little dangly structures are the pollen-producing flowers.
Don't forget this Friday and Saturday is our annual Spring Plant Sale. You must be a member to shop on Friday. See you there!
Photos by Jason W. Baker